10 Pearls of Wisdom for Living Love

By Gabriela Masala

Nov 03

Last month, I had a humbling, beautiful opportunity to meditate through the night in ceremony and prayer. The Universe is so generous! Many simple pearls of wisdom came to me. And, since I am a true believer in our unity and our shared dreaming, I trust there is a morsel of these “One Love nuggets”, that may speak to your heart as well.

  • Love it ALL- the way it is.
  • In all you do, in all you are, there is no moment where you are not the divine embodiment of love. In every moment you are the divine embodiment of love.
  • Let love in everywhere. Do not deny access to love- anywhere.
  • Fully let go and come undone. Give it all for love.
  • Forgive everything. Erase the past.
  • Time spent in mental and emotional indulgence is wasted energy. Stop it.
  • Be both gentle and swift in redirecting mind to the remembrance of the mystery of life.
  • Be humble before/within the mystery.
  • Let the all embracing love of the mystery flood into every cell of your being, into the whole of your neurology.
  • Let Love direct your life. Let it model true compassion and surrender-from the inside out

What a wild and beautiful, universal journey we are all on. Love is the most powerful resource we have, let’s share the wealth. Need support in connecting directly to your heart’s wisdom?
Come here to get it.

Please comment and share some of your current pearls of living love. I look forward to hearing from you. Here’s to freedom, love and peace for all beings. May we rest in the silence of the heart in every breath.
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About the Author

Gabriela is a natural intuitive, with a knack for bridging inner and outer worlds, bringing relevance to daily living. Her guidance is infused with pure love, in the service of health and wholeness. She has been steeping in the universal wisdom teachings of metaphysics, mysticism, Shamanism, Yoga, Zen, Transpersonal Psychology, Earth-based Spirituality and Energy Medicine for over 20 years.

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(2) comments

Kenya November 5, 2010

Your ability to share inspiration, that is not only deeply heartwarming, but also relevant, real and on the mark, is such a gift to me…thank you for the amazing generosity you share with your deep wisdom! I am moved , touched, and gifted by you and your presence!

gabriela November 5, 2010

Dear heart,
Thank you for your soul companionship, every step of the way. I am equally gifted, moved and touched by our wealthy life of LOVE.

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Gabriela Masala