Transformation is an inside job that can begin within each of us. What an exciting time to be ALIVE and engaged in the dance of conscious co-creation. Regardless of appearances, we get to choose new possibilities; ignite authentic power and act upon innate freedom. How will you respond?
I am responding to all that arises with unstoppable love and walking forward into a future of Unity for humanity. I choose to include the whole and stand in Sacred laws…live by Quantum laws; trust in Nature’s laws. I will not waste a spec of attention on the illusion of separation or deplete vital energy in a matrix of despair, hatred, blame or complaint. This is a ripe moment. We are the first monkey and the 100th.
Sisters and brothers, please don’t let anything or anyone hijack your consciousness! Don’t buy the media hype, or polarized dramas playing out. They don’t stand a chance of survival in the light of your Super Power: LOVE!
It is time to be our own heroes...The Outside is made from the Inside. Begin with your own response-ability and rise to the occasion of transformation (individually and as a natural result, collectively).
I am not saying this is easy. Yet what is the alternative? Start where you are. Here is a 5 minute, simple practice. Pause. Close your eyes and breathe full, steady breaths with attention on your heart. Exhale fully, Inhale fully. Drop in. Soften and surrender any gripping- mentally, emotionally, physically. Sit still, find silence, center. Imagine yourself surrounded and held by a luminous field of unconditional love. Begin to bathe yourself with Gratitude (for anything, everything) Emanate. Breathe. Let this energy expand and ripple out in every direction. Trust in Divine Order; in the Mystery animating us all.
We get to vote everyday for the life and world we want to co-create. We don’t need elections and candidates in which to invest our energy and have our voice heard. What we radiate from within our own BEING matters. The Power of Unity and Love IS stronger than the love of power.
Let’s Broadcast our YES for Life!! It begins with each willing heart.
We are not divided. WE ARE WHOLE.
We are the After Glow.
At your service. Call on me.
Gabriela is a natural intuitive, with a knack for bridging inner and outer worlds, bringing relevance to daily living. Her guidance is infused with pure love, in the service of health and wholeness. She has been steeping in the universal wisdom teachings of metaphysics, mysticism, Shamanism, Yoga, Zen, Transpersonal Psychology, Earth-based Spirituality and Energy Medicine for over 20 years.