Friends,Welcome to the Age of the Avatar.
Wait. What does that mean? It sure doesn’t mean invalidate all the sage wisdom that has (and continues to) flow through true teachers of the Way. It does mean that the ability to access
The Way, “our” way, is inherently seeded within each of us and directly revealed through refining and trusting our own inner guidance system.
For ages, Gurus, Messiahs and Mystics have lit a path through darkness. Their transmission and teachings served as bridges for students and devotees into God realization, enlightenment, awakening.
In addition to external teachers, teachings and abstractions of God lighting the Way, there is more. We are the bridges. As we embody our own spine and embrace the Mystery that breathes us, we can deepen our intimate relationship with the powers of life as they tutor us, ceaselessly and in infinite forms.
Avatars, (by my definition), are humans who recognize that we are all an embodiment of the divine. Awake to this reality, Avatars, (to the best of their ability). live in conscious harmony with the elements of nature, as apprentices, towards mastery, in direct communion and stewardship with the force of life.
Thankfully, my journey has stripped me of blind devotion, idealized images and abstractions of the divine. It has brought me to the feet and hearts of many amazing human teachers, some pure, some predatory (I am grateful for all I’ve learned in the process). I have been on a mystical ride of intimacy with divine love, in and beyond all forms. It has brought me to my knees, and returned me home; humble, broken open, free.
What’s been revealed? It’s the age of the Avatar. The GPS for the Soul is internal. Our true, essential being has always been divine matter. How could it be otherwise?
Don’t take my word for it. Let your journey reveal what’s Real in you.
Activate. Rock this life!
Gabriela is a natural intuitive, with a knack for bridging inner and outer worlds, bringing relevance to daily living. Her guidance is infused with pure love, in the service of health and wholeness. She has been steeping in the universal wisdom teachings of metaphysics, mysticism, Shamanism, Yoga, Zen, Transpersonal Psychology, Earth-based Spirituality and Energy Medicine for over 20 years.