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I always like to ask these 4 questions of my dreams (answer them quickly, without thinking too much):
1. What is the title of my dream?
2. What is theme of the dream?
3. How did you feel in the dream?
4. What question is the dream asking?
Title:Krishna's got my back
Theme: Stop, redirect to the Divine
Feel: Shocked,sad,humbled, grateful
Question the dream is asking: Will you live for the soul?
I love this dream- it feels like you're right on, and it seems like super clear confirmation that you're on exactly the right path! Living from the heart, for the soul is just what I see you doing and diving more deeply into…
ReplyThanks Lucia…Thank goodness for the dream directive reminders…embed in Supreme Being. Our natural state perhaps and yet my attention is not always there. Love you!