Photograph taken during Holistic Dance Intensive 2023 with Zola Dubnikova in Thailand.
"What always stands out to me about Gabriela is her impeccable space holding and facilitation. It is so refined. She guides us with such playfulness, humility and mastery, making space for healing and liberation. Everything she catalyzes is magic." Chelsea Hover, Yoga Instructor, Educator
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Soul Mojo
Lovers of Music, Movement & Magic,
Join me for the Soul Mojo, Summer of Love Series!
Summer, 2024
In an evocative soundscape of world music, we'll explore primal play and let our souls dance. Soul Mojo Movement Medicine accesses the brilliance of the body and breath in sacred motion. Plug into your authentic magic, innate wisdom and joy through this moving meditation.
The series theme is unconditional love as a master frequency. We will generate, amplify and circulate it from the inside out and radiate it into all life. Join me for a Summer of Love. All genders and levels of movers welcome. This will be my last offering before relocating to NC, come dance with me!
Facilitated by Gabriela Masala
LOCATION: Del Sol Yoga & Kung Fu | 13118 Fitzhugh Rd / Austin, TX 78736
Register by sending your financial offering via Venmo: @Gabriela-Masala
- Series: $100 (6 Sessions)
- Drop in: $20

Women's Dance Medicine
Fall 2023 Dates and Details TBA | In Person
Explore the ecstatic & cathartic power of music and dance to bring joy, peace, and liberation into your body and your life! Get the PDF with all details, here.
Access the rejuvenating wellspring within you and explore movement as a direct pathway to wisdom, joy, and healing. Experience the alchemy of dance medicine within compassionate sisterhood support. Be nurtured in a beautiful space bathed in natural light, surrounded by a soundscape of enlivening, heart-opening music. We'll offer invitations for self guided and community dance, turning up the volume on the authentic embodiment of freedom and joy.
This series is designed for the woman hungry for soul fulfillment. She is ready to insource her power and deepen her connection to the sacred in her daily life.
Receive the transformative momentum these consecutive weekly sessions
will weave into every area of your life.
Facilitated by Elissa Shapiro & Gabriela Masala
Soul sisters, transformational guides & sacred movement professionals
with over 50 years combined experience supporting women to become their best selves through movement and the expressive arts.
Photograph taken during Holistic Dance Immersion 2022 with Zola Dubnikova in Mexico.
Flame & Flow Dance Alchemy
Fall 2023 Dates and Details TBA | In Person
This deeply nourishing, guided movement experience blends pranayama, floor play and free dance in a soundscape of music from around the globe. It will ignite your somatic intelligence; circulating healing life force and liberating subtle energy. Clear your mind, shake off tensions, embody joy. Focus your intentions and dance them into reality. This body prayer, dance medicine practice soothes the body, mind and soul. Activate breath, sound and movement; our original superpowers. Bring your devotional heart, playful spirit, a journal/pen.
Flame & Flow Dance Alchemy also available as private sessions, in person or virtual.
“This practice is an answered prayer; a healing salve for my humanity, intimate sweetness with my own soul and a creative boost for every area of my life."
Flame & Flow Participant
Women's Song Circles
Fall 2023 | In Person
Inspired by ancient, Earth-based wisdom, these circles are infused with the unifying power of prayer songs, both old and new. We sing in mother tongues (rooted languages) from around the world, and we practice orienting to daily life as a walk in beauty.
We circle and sing, weaving a multi-generational and intercultural collective of sisterhood through devotional song. We co-create a communal space of prayer, dance, and ritual.
These sessions are led through an oral body-centered approach that empowers women to free the natural, intuitive, voice for healing, joy and expression.
We circle around the original altar of all peoples, the fire and water and encourage participants to explore their own unique relationship to these elements. If you are called to be a keeper of songs and lover of the Earth, join us.
Co-facilitated by Kate West and Gabriela Masala, Austin Women's Song Circles are a life-giving, bubbling wellspring of vibrant women, gathering in community song, prayer, dance and the celebration of life.
Dates and Location TBA
Samba Reggae Drum & Dance Workshop
Fall 2023 Dates TBA
Time TBA | Del Sol Yoga | In Person
High energy-Love Vibes - Come One, Come All!
I will be cofacilitating this joyful event with master percussionist & my sweetheart of 25 years, Solomon Masala.
Learn these infectious, life generating rhythms as an ensemble (Drums provided on site)
I will guide us in powerful movement, sensual flow and community connection to live drumming with euphoric, Afro-Brazilian grooves.
Drum & Dance: $35 for both
Drum only: $20 | Dance Only: $20
Register via Venmo @Solomon-Masala
RSVP Required. Payment secures reservation.
Location: Del Sol Yoga - 13118 Fitzhugh, Austin TX 76736

Dream Wisdom for the Waking World: Level 1 Master Course
October 5-December 7, 2021 | Tuesdays 7-9 pm CT | Virtual
Tap the wisdom, guidance and insight of your dreamtime to fuel your evolution and benefit your daily life. The mysterious realms of our dreams take us into the territory of our deep psyche, our InterBeing and interdimensional communication. In dreamscapes we astral travel, commune with beings known and unknown; process our well of emotions, receive a wealth of revelation and resolutions to the most simple and the most weighted issues of our lives. Yet many people don’t remember dreams, nor have a clue how to distill their richness and integrate their wisdom into the waking world. Our dreams never lie. They always come to us in the service of health and wholeness. Learning to circulate dream wisdom into your conscious reality is an integral step to being whole, fulfilled and free from the inside out.
It is time to wake up! It is time to tap the big magic of the dreamtime and apply its intelligence to your living. In this master course, I will give you the leap of the cat, by sharing my lifetime of dream study in Jungian Dream therapy, Shamanic and Indigenous Dreaming, whole being health, energy medicine and the sacred arts. This territory is pure magic. In these realms we enter the supernatural and paranormal. With safe and playful facilitation, and through direct transmission, I will teach you how to use my trusted tools, tips and best practices to access your inner wisdom dreamer and conscious creator. You will learn multitudes from your dream symbols, messages and content. Additionally, the collective group dreaming intelligence, will offer emergent insights and expanded consciousness that will blow your mind.
In this Master Course you will learn:
- How to increase dream recall and bridge distilled content into daily life
- How to access your life relevant genius and higher intelligence in dreaming and waking
- Expand your understanding and application of the dream language, symbols and energy
- A unique body of Dream Wisdom(tm) teachings developed over decades of practice
- How to develop your natural superpowers and unique ways of seeing
You will receive:
- An expansion of your ability to read energy and matter in the dream field and waking life
- Potent transmissions of dream mastery through a fusion of proven skill sets
- Individual, therapeutic dream distillation focus that catalyzes your personal growth
- Core level healing, clearing and guidance offered through transformational facilitation
- Grounded reflection, witness and upliftment within a safe, coherent learning community
Bonus: 50% off Private Expansion and Mentorship Sessions with Gabriela
Available through the duration of the course.
All levels of dreamers are welcome. We meet in a context of clear intention and living meditation. Our small groups meet virtually in a loving community where everyone is seen, heard and receives specialized attention. Get ready to have fun, go deep and quantum leap!
Dates: October 5th-December 7th,2021- Every Tuesday 7:00-9:00 pm CT On Zoom
Only 12 spots available, once full, a second cohort will open for Thursdays Noon-2pm CT
This 11 week journey is not a prerecorded ecourse. It is a living, organic container for learning and transformation. You will journey with an intimate dream council into the mysteries of the Dreamtime. Sessions are experiential and interactive in nature. While sessions will be recorded, the ideal is to show up live to get the most of this experience. It is an immersive deep dive. This priceless experience will benefit and enlighten every area of your life.
Dream Wisdom for The Waking World | Level 1 Master Course
$1500: Regular Price (After Sept 28, 2021)
$1o00: Early Bird (Register by Sept 27, 2021)
$500: Scholarship Price (Select by self-determined need)
Register Below | Use the dropdown menu to select your option
Once you have registered with payment, you will receive your welcome letter and overview.
This course is a prerequisite for Dream Council Facilitators (Dream Wisdom for the Waking World: Level 2 Master Course).
Can't make this series? Get on the waiting list for the next series, click here.
Watch for updates on upcoming eCourses:
- Be A Lighthouse: Stay Centered and Broadcast Bright
- Elevate Intuition 101
Walking, moving, dancing, flowing, connecting within and without, writing, drawing and dreaming through Gabriela's Genius Journey class series has been like a dream come true for me on my path of creative expansion, integration and expression. And what a sweet, loving, safe space Gabriela creates for magic to happen. She embodies a gentle but strong command of the space, guiding and allowing for one to relax and explore more deeply.

Healer, Bodyworker